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Open brown plastic recycling container showing recycable materials inside on a doorstep

Recycling helps protect our planet, most people do it

Mighty New Year Recycling Resolutions

How to Recycle

Mighty New Year Recycling Resolutions

Here in Wales, we’re already one of the best in the world at recycling. But why settle for second place when we could be number one? As we enter a brand new year, what better time to start thinking about the small steps we can all take to help make Wales the world’s number one recycling nation? If you’re drawing up your New Year’s resolutions, here are five dead easy ones you can add to the list that’ll help you do your bit for the environment. If we all do them, they’ll make a huge impact!

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Reduce and reuse: the new ‘make do and mend’

How to Recycle

Reduce and reuse: the new ‘make do and mend’

Here in Wales we’re making great progress at working towards the ambitious target of becoming a zero-waste nation by 2050, with 95% of us already keen recyclers. But to make zero waste a reality, we’ll have to add a few more ‘Rs’ to our routine – not just recycling, but reducing and reusing as well.

The latest from Wales Recycles

Wales’ new Workplace Recycling law: everything you need to know

News & Campaigns

Wales’ new Workplace Recycling law: everything you need to know

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